Berlin, WI             361-0100

Fond du Lac, WI  922-3000

Oshkosh, WI        232-5425

Since 1994...

Martial Arts America was opened in Oshkosh in 1994. Soon thereafter, Fond du Lac opened in 1995, and then Berlin in 1997.

Mrs. DeMaster
Mrs. DeMaster

Chief Instructor/Owner
5th Degree Black Belt

I started my martial arts training in 1993. I was a mother of a small child living in an unfamiliar city. I decided to sign up for a self-defense program. Little did I know at the time that I received much more than self-defense. I gained confidence, had an outlet to challenge myself and developed focus and concentration skills. It was awesome to be part of a group of adults who were interested in growing themselves physically and mentally. I was part of a team and that was really important to me.

Over the years as my children have grown up, I have witnessed in them and other children the importance of life skills and values. It has been important to me as a Mom, an instructor and as a Business Owner to make our organization a place that helps people be who they want to be. Help them to be confident and believe in themselves. I always say “Martial Arts America will help you grow and get stronger from the inside out”.

I feel privileged to be part of such a great Martial Arts Organization, and I am always looking for ways to improve our program and make it even better. We truly believe in our vision of “Building Focus, Confidence, and Better Behavior through Martial Arts Classes for Families!"

Mr Schaalma
Mr. Schaalma

Chief Instructor/Owner
7th Degree Black Belt

I started martial arts in 1986 after watching the Karate Kid. Of course, I wanted to be just like Ralph Macchio like all of the other 9 year olds of the day! Little did I know how much martial arts would impact my life! Martial arts helped me develop inner confidence and would never believe me if I told you that I was once very shy and passive. My instructors while I was growing up were excellent male role models in my life. I needed that more than I realized at the time.

The reason that I do what I do is to help other children and teens get the same kinds of benefits out of martial arts classes that I did. I love helping students become more focused, confident, respectful, and disciplined. I do my best to inspire students to be great role real Black Belts!

I am very thankful for the team of instructors that teach at Martial Arts America. They help us to carry out our vision of "Building Focus, Confidence, and Better Behavior through Martial Arts Classes for Families!"

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